+Carl565+apetsel+fire118+lpauley+pizza box+Hellspawn+
Song of the week: DOOMSDAY! - an old favorite... really sweet song!
School - Its awesome... who could of though I would be saying that? Getting my drivers permit soon... Gears of War 2 comes out Nov. 7th... going to the midnight premiere =D. Ohhh so much awesomeness.
READ THIS:I shall not be on over the weekend!!!
Ok... well I might be on here or there... but I'm gonna be playing gow2... cause its going to freaking rock!
I'm keeping this on here. You still better love me =P
_-=-_-+Dual of the Fates Metalized+-_-=-_
That pic is so funny. : D
I thought so. Check out that "dual of fates song" Its pretty awesome... also "overwhelming" Check em both... and all of mine... HAHAHA... nah just pick on and go though.